In any Pick 3 game, there are 3 digit positions, with each position
containing a digit from 0 to 9. If one were to list all of the possible
combinations of digits in each of the three positions, there would be a
total of 1,000 different number combinations. Each of these 1,000
possibilities is called a straight combination. Thus, if you were to place one straight Pick 3 wager, your odds of winning would be 1 in 1,000.
However, another way to wager in Pick 3 is called a box wager, in which you can win if your combination matches the 3 digits drawn in any order. If you wager on 123 boxed, you would win if any of the following combinations were drawn: 123, 132, 213, 312, 231, or 321. If one were to list all of the unique box combinations in the Pick 3 game, there would be a total of 220 different number combinations.
The odds of winning a box wager are not a simple calculation like it is for a straight wager. The odds depend on the number of unique digits in the combination, because that affects how many possible combinations can be matched. In the Pick 3 game, there are three different types of box combinations:
However, another way to wager in Pick 3 is called a box wager, in which you can win if your combination matches the 3 digits drawn in any order. If you wager on 123 boxed, you would win if any of the following combinations were drawn: 123, 132, 213, 312, 231, or 321. If one were to list all of the unique box combinations in the Pick 3 game, there would be a total of 220 different number combinations.
The odds of winning a box wager are not a simple calculation like it is for a straight wager. The odds depend on the number of unique digits in the combination, because that affects how many possible combinations can be matched. In the Pick 3 game, there are three different types of box combinations:
- Single (6-way): Each of the three positions has a different digit. For example, 123. Each combination of this type has 6 different box combinations, so your odds of winning by playing one "single" box combination would be approximately 1 in 167.
- Double (3-way): Two of the three positions have the same digit, and the third digit is different. For example, 112. Each combination of this type has 3 different box combinations, so your odds of winning by playing one "double" box combination would be approximately 1 in 333.
- Triple: Each of the three positions has the same digit. For example, 111. Because each triple is unique, your odds of winning by playing one "triple" combination would be 1 in 1,000 — the same odds as playing a straight. (A triple is also known as a straight, in fact.)